Responses (1)
a Field Note
published on July 20, 2021
Introducing my /now page
Do you remember the day when you would meet up at a coffee shop to catch up with friends and chat over a few latte's, eat some of those small triangle pastries for an hour so, reminisce of good times in between thoughts and laughter that bounced across the table? When the time finally ended you'd feel as if you really understood what was going on in their lives.
Today it's not really like that anymore. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok all give us snippets of information from photos and videos to sarcastic posts about politics and weather but they miss the physical and unrehearsed component of communication. Everything from a half-smile, an uncomfortable switch of the leg crossing to spontaneous laughter. Somehow that human connection is lost in translation with a social media post that is often 160 characters or less and buried in a time-line moving faster than you have time to read the updates from all your 500 "friends". Of course you're going to miss something.
This is where a /now page helps. It doesn't fill the gap between reading about someone's life and actually being there, but how it's different is the way it fills the gap compared to social media.
Instead of being lost in the shuffle of a time-line that is programmed to only show you what the algorithm thinks you are interested in you can tell a more complete, chronological story without interruption. You can even link to Facebook posts with videos and photos if you want to - just include them in your /now page.
What does a /now page look like? It's a short webpage that I like to think of as something similar to those Christmas letters everyone includes with their card, but updated every month (or whenever you like) where I share things in a question & answer block style such as:
- What I have been doing in my free-time, work and around the house.
- What I have been reading, watching TV, or new favorite music.
- Links to new photos, projects and adventures.
- Share recipes of the meats I have been smokin' on the Traeger.
- If showing my fine-art photography anywhere, a short calendar of events.
Check out my /now page here, https://jmgalleries.com/now (inspired by the #NowPage movement started by Derek Sivers) and see how simple is. I then post a link to the webpage from my facebook "About" info so it's easy for my friends to find on their time - not Facebook or Twitter time.
https://nownownow.com and https://sive.rs/nowff