Responses (6)
a Field Note
published on August 18, 2021
My Not-So-Secret Projects Update

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash
New Fine Art Monthly
Every month in 2021 I have released a new fine-art photo except for June. June was skipped because I decided to change to release date from the end of the month to the first Friday of every month and I didn't want subscribers to think that I had sent two emails in the same month. This is because another important aspect of this email is that it's only sent once per month (or 28 days).
Here are quick links to the 7 new releases of 2021 so far.
- Jan - Layers of Tahoe
- Feb - The Maple
- Mar - Antelope Canyon Falls
- Apr - Thunbergia Alata
- May - Spire
- Jun - (skipped to switch to First Friday)
- July - Made In America
- August - Big Sky
All of these Limited Edition Fine Art photographs can be ordered by viewing the photo, selecting your size and clicking the Buy Artwork button.
Email newsletter
Now, the First Friday New Release Email
As mentioned above, I slightly modified the release date of the email in order to make it more consistent. Prior to being a First Friday email, the time-frame of release was a little wishy-washy end of month-ish. This helps me plan for it, as well as the subscriber look forward to it because now we all know when it's showing up in your inbox.
Also, I added a give-away with the email. A lucky subscriber (USA only) has a chance each month to win a FREE 8x10 (matted to 11x14) print of the New Release. If you aren't a subscriber, simply subscribe to my First Friday New Release email at https://jmgalleries.com/signup or click the button at the bottom of this post.
YouTube Channel
Thoughts while drinking coffee, vlog and demos
In February I started a YouTube channel documenting my journey as a fine-art photographer. However between April and May I got sick and lost my voice for several weeks. This shutdown the production of the vlog and video demos for awhile. As of today, I have slowly, but steadily increased my subscribers from 0 to 42. Still not nearly where I want it to be, but with time and consistency the channel will continue to grow. If you're not a subscriber, please pop over to the YouTube channel https://vlog.jmgalleries.com and click the subscribe button for me.
jM Galleries Store
Back at the end of 2020, I launched the jM Galleries store. An online shop where I am selling previously displayed artwork from exhibits and events, as well as other fine-art related hand-made items such as my first photo book and tinyVIEWS Trim & Frame calendar.
Untitled Book
Yes, this project is still alive, although very much late. After doing some additional market research I am going to changing the format of the book to be more affordable. I would rather share my photography with more people with a more affordable price than only share it with a few. So the initial pre-order will be happening soon and the book will instead feature a soft cover instead of an acrylic cover. It will still have thick pages for easy turning and durability but may not be lay flat. Follow me on Twitter to know when the pre-orders start.
Well there is no easy way to say this. The tinyVIEWS Trim & Frame calendar is discontinued. I primarily sold this product at live events, but since the pandemic world is still in various states of emergencies and mandates I have yet to participate in an event this year and may not until 2023. So, until the world remembers its sanity, this product is being shelved. You can still order the remaining inventory that is available in the jM Galleries Store, but once it's gone the Trim & Frame calendar will just be part of the j.McCarthy Fine Art story.
Love Outside.(org)
This is still a passion project of mine, but it honestly has gotten the least amount of attention and has fallen way behind my initial hopes for launch. Hopefully after the book pre-order and maybe around November (which is only 3 months away) I will be able spend a little extra time on making this idea a reality.
It's hard to imagine, but 2020.1 is almost over. What have been some of your not-so TOP-SECRET projects for this year? And how is your progress going? Share in the comments.
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Here is the original post https://jmgalleries.com/fieldnotes/my-not-so-top-secret-projects