RELEASE NOTES, [ git commit history ]
March 2024
- bugfix: dark/light mode now works again.
- bugfix: resolved logging problem during logout in admin.
- re-enabled Field Notes and Shop.
- re-enabled online purchasing.
- update: image preview sizes for desktop, tablet, mobile.
- update: changed layout of /provenance
- update: alert notices fixed and updated
December 2022
- removed ability to purchase online.
- removed find us social links.
- removed references to newsletter sign-up.
October 2022
- updated pricing, etc.
- added: Studio Edition Print Only to all images.
- update: about Artist Statement and removed bio content.
- update: header &footer navigation links, added back fieldnotes
- update: hyperlink colors.
- update: top nav is now sticky.
- update: dividers in notices layout in admin settings.
- bugfix: fieldnotes responses h3 color not appearing properly.
August 2022
- added: new landing page to switch between portfolios.
- bugfix: styling bugfixes throughout the site for large and small screens.
- added: added qr.html static page for linktr.ee integration.
- update: newsletter form, vcf cards, dark theme styling.
- update: condensed about page.
July 2022
- bugfix: checkout form email, studio prints, utf-8 in database
- update: virtual collections now work properly
- added: ability to set Studio pricing on Limited Edition images
- bugfix: Core_Api
- update: admin settings now save to /backup folder
- update: loveoutside image positioning
- bugfix: logo inverts correctly now on home cover image
- update: made dark-theme default
- update: the work now shows all editions
- bugfix: misc. admin bug fixes to inventory, dashboard, etc.
- added: new links for shop in footer
- update: framing and styles information
- bugfix: notification banners font treatment and activations
May 06, 2022
- Revised file structure, database schema and routing.
- Launch of DIGITAL PROVENANCE & AUTHENTICITY TRACKER. (Dedicated to M.D. York, the inspiration behind the idea. RIP dear friend and I wish you could have seen it in the flesh.)
- Launch of loveOutside.org
April 26, 2022
- update: structure change to page views
- update: catalog sync, GA4
- update: moved code base to PHP 8.0.8, updated database
- bugfix: reports, fieldnotes in admin
- updates: misc style changes to navbar
Jan 26, 2022
- updated: mobile menu icon and style
- updated: main hero logo to switch between dark/light based on image color
- added: first Friday email signup on homepage
- bugfix: admin collections add/edit now supports special characters
- updated: find me page now links to linktr.ee/jmgalleriesusa
- removed: link to Field Notes and /now page (both still available with a direct URL
Nov 29, 2021
- added: products:admin module insert/update
- updated: privacy policy with terms of sale link
Nov 26, 2021
- Standardized Edition maxes, styles in settings
- update: admin edition styles and edition max
- bugfix: admin inventory now checks edition style before creating a COA record
- bugfix: admin inventory smart COA record show/hide UI update
Nov 23, 2021
- Checkout bugfixes
- New Collector portal RC1 moved to production including Provenance tracking
- Added Product Index for Shop in Admin
- bugfix Collector to User account and last login data
- bugfix custom sizes and prices now display properly on detail page
- update custom sizes and prices now accept two JSON objects for acrylic|metal
Nov 20, 2021
- New and updated admin dashboard components
- bugfix: ordering form now submits through to confirmation page
Nov 12, 2021
- new: migrated servers
- update: lots of changes to admin settings and admin forms
- update: fixed up dark-theme and made the default theme
- update: lots of mobile UI fixes
- update: minor layout changes to detail page
- update: disabled Square API payment gateway
- update: minor updates to checkout page
- bugfix: promocode bugfixes
April 27, 2021
- update: user/admin sessions now handled by life of browser
- update: updated find us social icons and layout.
- update: 404 Page now shows links to major headings.
- update: robots.txt expanded.
- update: config file updated to match new session handling methods.
- added: 404 error capture in oder to improve routes and redirects with analytics
- update: mobile CSS styles and changed logo
- update: Polarized layout updates
Mar 24, 2021
- update: misc CSS changes in admin area and throughout the site.
- update: admin control: removed WYSIWYG editor and added new "preview" instead.
Mar 04, 2021
- update: tags in field notes now appear
- update: minor CSS fixes for field notes
- update: admin control: live img preview when updating photo and when adding a field note
Jan 29, 2021
- update: SEO updates
- update: Field notes Filmstrip layout adjustments
- update: admin control: live img preview when adding new photo
Jan 20, 2021
- update: pricing and styles.
- update: style clean up in shop.
- update: style clean up in Polarized.
- update: tablet (iPad) style update.
Dec 30, 2020
- update: about content.
- update: contact information, social media links in contact-module.
- update: navigation, added Polarized to main level and re-org footer links.
- update: admin control: added Video to fieldnotes module.
- bugfix: cleaned up CSS code in checkout form.
- bugfix: modified default shipping for Limited Edition "product".
- update: Included Limited/Open Ed. in top nav.
Dec 21, 2020
- added: new jM Gallery Store.
Dec 07, 2020
- update: font styling throughout site.
- added: new Square payment integration in new checkout form.
Nov 10, 2020
- update: change in admin control for pricing LE and TV editions.
- added: admin control for pricing LE and TV editions, specific pricing per photo.
- update: removed facebook and twitter from social link block.
- update: modified About page headline, artist statement formatting.
- update: admin contol artwork inventory table now searchable by serial number.
Oct 20, 2020
- bugfix: collection update in admin control now updating.
- update: new release component now shows/hides based on results found within last 3 months.
- update: css styling for thumbnails, simplification of top navigation, new homepage content overlay design.
- update: about page social icons.
Oct 12, 2020
- Preview: Dark Mode (link in footer)
Sep 29, 2020
- bugfix: admin control user name now strtolower before check
- bigfix: Corrected error adding frame sizes for limited & tinyViews.
- added: Images are now either Limited or Open; no longer combined
- added: Cross linking between Limited/tinyVIEWS Open Edition Catalog listings
- updated: various styling for mobile.
- bugfix: admin control tab STATUS removed, no such state for art.
Sep 24, 2020
- bugfix: fieldnotes index malforming HTML
- bugfix: breadcrumb in footer now links to colletion index again.
- update: Checkout/Contact format layout.
- update: About page updated.
- update: Release-Notes now has Rerport A Problem button and location moved to Privacy Policy.
- update: Cookie Consent banner language updated.
- update: Typography throughout the site.
- update: Slimmed the ordering form on photo details pages.
Sep 22, 2020
- bugfix: admin control settings code view now shows in production
- fieldnotes now display lists properly.
- admin control fieldnotes editor now removing Safari span bug
- added new "shop" view in catalog with price and promo flags.
- misc. update to About
Aug 19, 2020
- bugfix: routing file for editor css.
- bugfix: admin control collapase navigation panel.
- added: Cheers! to fieldnotes
- added: Responses! to fieldnotes
- added: small animation to Cheers! and Responses! icons in fieldnotes
Aug 12, 2020
- bugfix: SQL not show/hide on tab click.
- bugfix: Twitter card image fix.
- update: admin : control Filmstrip now shows teaser by default.
- update: admin navigation panel now show/hide on mask click; form area expands 100%.
- update: changed header labels, minor footer update.
Aug 07, 2020
- added: FILMSTRIP type for Polarized.
- minor bug fixes throughout the app.
Jul 16, 2020
- updated: core to include page specific css, js and font files.
- updated: fieldnotes API to better manage entires in database.
- added: new WYSIWYG Editor for fieldnotes.
- updated: fieldnotes content and layout template.
- updated: minor changes to reset and app SCSS files for new Editor.
- updated: footer collection nav font size.
- updated: debug styling for arrays and objects for better clarity.
Jul 06, 2020
- updated: routing engine in core_site, debugging layout &tools
- updated: how config file handles settings and notices
- added: new stand-alone page for Polarized
- added: new admin: control app for Polarized
Jun 25, 2020
- updated: admin navigation is now automated based on app permissions by user.
- updated: routing of collections is now automated by admin : control collections table.
- updated: collector address now auto-filled when ordering special edition through collector portal.
- bugfix: iPad OS javascript onKeypress fixed for admin sign-in form.
- updated: admin/collector sign-in pass-code now masked on keypress.
Jun 16, 2020
- added: user roles to admin : control
- added: top navigation state indicators.
- added: pin masked when signing in as collector or artist.
Jun 12, 2020
- added: user roles to admin : control
- added: top navigation state indicators.
June 4, 2020
- updated: New Admin Control UI.
- bugfix: top navigation positioning bug.
May 29, 2020
- added: automated pricing for frames and images.
- updated: checkout order form for additional variations.
- added: for Limited Editions Fine Art Paper or Acrylic are now shown.
- updated: image details for pricing information, you may also like filmstrip +1 image.
- optimized: all images have been compressed.
- updated: collector portal dashboard.
- bugfix: number format for details pricing.
- updated: admin control : inventory now support catalog_photo_id.
- updated: about now includes link to github account.
- updated: control : admin recently viewed images component modified UI.
May 27, 2020
- added: automated pricing for frames and images.
- updated: checkout order form for additional variations.
- added: for Limited Editions Fine Art Paper or Acrylic are now shown.
- updated: image details for pricing information, you may also like filmstrip +1 image.
- optimized: all images have been compressed.
- updated: collector portal dashboard.
- bugfix: number format for details pricing.
- updated: admin control : inventory now support catalog_photo_id.
May 14, 2020
- added: P/L in admin control : inventory.
- updated: removed deprecated files
May 14, 2020
- added: inventory integration when processing order.
- bugfix: manual entry now hidden by default on admin control : inventory form.
May 11, 2020
- added: promo-codes are now part of settings in admin control.
- bugfix: error_404 page was displaying hero component
- update: real-time cost calc in image detail page now when adding frames.
- added: contact/check-out form now applies promo-code discounts in real-time.
- added: ability to fetch build number in admin control / settings
- added: github repo link to this page (see very bottom)
- added: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 55-300 f/4.5-5.6 ED VR Lens to admin control / catalog-add
- updated: collector portal amazing offer component layout.
- bugfix: promo-codes types in lowercase would be marked invalid.
- update: cleaned up layout styles on misc. pages
- bugfix: catalog listing not filtering correctly.
- bugfix: order process (ajax script) now inserts into product order table and passing promocode as ALLCAPS.
- added: integrated available-size and edition into admin control : settings.
- updated: admin control : catalog only allows limited or open editions.
- updated: admin control : order now sends update emails for each step of the sales/creation workflow.
- bugfix: disabling frame options in detail page now works in Safari.
- added: collector integration from admin control : order.
- added: notecard images to some tinyViews editions.
May 8, 2020
- bugfix: api-call for New Release filmstrip component now displays correct collection path.
- update: Removed framing pricing for 5x7 and notecards (tinyViews)
- new: added Twitter card support for large summary cards.
- update: added comma in pricing display on image details view.
- new: Release Notes page
- bugfix: margin/padding issues in admin headlines.
May 4, 2020
- new: integrated config file into admin area.
- bugfix: header, footer formatting on tablet.
- bugfix: Miscellaneous updates to CSS/styles.
- new: added workflow in admin area to process orders.
April 17, 2020
- Launched portal for collectors to login and manage their collections, as well as acquire exclusive artwork.
November 27, 2019
- Launched new admin area to control site releases, inventory, etc.
September 5, 2019
- New website launched with a new modern, timeless and minimalist style, including a few New Releases too.
jM Galleries is powered by Studio610 and webscapes.io.
It includes a custom template engine, customer relation manager (CRM) and inventory component module, a shop (with Stripe payments), a provenance manager and collector portal, as well as a suite of other tools for art collectors.
Built using PHP8, MySQL and jQuery using MacOS®
Applications used include: Nova, Sketch, VS Code, TablePlus, CodeKit, CaptureOne Pro, Affinity Photo & Designer, Transmit, MAMP Pro and GitHub.
If you're an artist or photographer and are interested in using STUDIO610 please contact me for a demo.
Custom packages start at $5,000 and $350/year for hosting. If you'd like to contribute code to the project please DM me on Twitter @jmgalleriesusa.