Responses (1)
a Field Note
published on December 31, 2020
Twenty Twenty in Four Frames

1 / A year of black and white full of square days. The year started by turning the page of a new chapter in beautiful Southern California. Full of palm tree blossoms, white beaches and a canvas of artistic opportunity on the vast horizon.

2 / By March, life was transforming into a prickly and unsure environment. Opportunities were going dark each day and the bleakness of an unknown and unseen enemy danced through the world like a virus.

3 / The Joshua Tree has been around for over an estimated two million years. They are survivors by learning how to adapt to their changing environment. Taken on one of the dozen journeys between Las Vegas and Carson City, Nevada.

4 / Adapting to our new surroundings in adverse conditions for all, we found ourselves back in the comfort and safety of where we call home.