Responses (9)
a Field Note
published on August 10, 2020
The Everyday Collection Vs. Open Edition
In fact, thinking about it, I probably only showcase my top 2% of images I have taken on my website, and of those 50/60 photographs (from a catalog of around 24,000) if they made it through my utmost pickiness and perfectionistic attitude towards my own work, then they are self-appraised as my "fine-art".
This online gallery of fine-art is then broken down into two categories: Limited Edition and Giclée Prints & TinyViews.The latter I suppose would be my answer to his question, but not exactly, because the more common label for these images would be Open Edition which I still think encompasses the "fine-art" catalog. However, reflecting back on his question to me, how I organize my catalog still leaves a lot of imagery excluded that may otherwise fit into a third category in my taxonomy: Stock Photography.
How do you organize and classify your fine-art from your "everyday" photography?