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Hi there!

a Field Note
published on February 20, 2021

I Can Freeze Time, What's Your Superpower? 3 Places To Photograph Emotion and Spontaneity

From Aquaman to Thor to the Mandalorian

Let's be honest who hasn't thought about the question, "If you could have one superpower what would it be?" If you are into photography then whether you asked for it or not one of the best parts of your talent is that anyone with a camera now beholds a magnificent superpower to freeze time.  

It only takes a blink of an eye and the last moment of time you witnessed now is gone forever, as is the next and the next unless you act quickly an enact your superpower — freeze frame (queue The J. Geils Band). So how do you know when to use this superpower behind the lens and does every smartphone user also behold this superpower because they too have a camera in their phone? 

Well, why not, iPhoneographers can capture a moment in time too, but some people regardless of their camera possess the gift of having an eye for photography, or being able to see, predict and compose the moment as well as capture the emotion and spontaneity of the moment. And, this is when a moment becomes more than just a picture, but an entire story in a single frame.

So, where do you find places to freeze time?  

  • Be in a place where stuff happens. From public demonstrations, homelessness and natural disasters to those small moments people share walking in a park; candid moments you can capture. 
  • Everything around us in constant flux from the ocean to the high-rise on the corner of 4th and Fremont. Landscapes erode, sunsets are never the same twice, trees grow, urban progress is inevitable and buildings get old. With an interesting and thought through perspective you can freeze those landscapes and buildings and lighting in a way that won't happen twice. 
  • Similar to street photography but without the randomness many super-heroes will also use their superpower to document a people for historical preservation. This allows future generations to enjoy those moments of time, such as when grandpa bought his first Ford, or when little Susy was born. 

Now get out there and shoot, but don't forget the Peter Parker principal: "With great power comes great responsibility". So when you do press that shutter button, shoot with purpose, because that moment in time captured by the eye of your lens will never be forgotten. That is, unless you reformat the SD card or tap the trash can icon. 

What are some of your favorite people, places and things you have frozen time? Share in the comments. Also, if you enjoyed this please give it a cheers or like below. 




Published February 20, 2021 in Field Notes